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with thanks to Sue Smith, who initiated the gymkhana and set up the majority of the following rules, guidelines and information

The first Mitton Memorial Gymkhana for members of the PCASA Southern Zone was held in October 1995.

The gymkhana comprises of hacking, rider classes, show jumping and novelties. In the last few years the showjumping has been held on Sunday.

The reasons for holding this event are:

 To cater for younger riders in Pony Club who are not ready to event or riders who are not interested in eventing.

 To provide the opportunity to compete for a perpetual trophy.

 To recognize the contribution of Bob Mitton to the Pony Club movement, in particular the Southern Zone.

 To provide an opportunity for riders to complete in Pony Club graded show jumping and gain points.

In the past the Zone has run the gymkhana at Monarto, but for the last few years a Southern Zone Club (who has offered) has run the gymkhana at their own grounds and has received the profit for this.

Whether the gymkhana is run at the Monarto Equestrian Centre or at an individual club, it is best to try to apply the following guidelines, as this will eliminate the possibility uncertainty and allow the weekend to flow smoothly.

These guidelines are written, assuming that this event will be run at the Monarto Equestrian Centre

Classes will be known as

Led riders - if entries are warranted.

Sub-Juniors - 10 years and under

Juniors - 11 and 12 years

Intermediate - 13 and 14 years

Seniors - 15 years and over.

Perpetual trophies are awarded to the winners of the above and a trophy to the club who accumulates the most points over the entire weekend.

CHAIRPERSON: The Chairperson is the person whom you need to speak to should you have any difficulties with your club, other clubs or understanding your duties. The Chairperson is ultimately in charge of running the entire event.

SECRETARY SHED: The secretary shed is very quite at this event, as all classes are held down on the flat area. (it may be decided that the Secretary shed will not be open and that the following will take place down on the flat area).

Clubs may choose to roster people on in 2 –3 hour shifts.

Responsibilities: To follow any instructions that have been issued by the Secretary and to help both riders and parents with any queries.

Duties: To have knowledge of how the Gymkhana is run and who to contact if you need to. Be aware of where St. John’s are, should you need to contact them. A vet is not usually in attendance, but always check with the Chairperson to see if one will be on the grounds.

 Hand out body numbers to riders.

 Take attendance cards and check cards for financial

status and gradings for showjumping. Notify the Secretary if a card does not appear to be correct.

 Advise riders of the whereabouts of their stables/yards etc.

 Put out announcements as requested by various people.

 All place getters in showjumping need points added to their cards, so do not allow these people to take their cards until the Secretary has pointed and signed them.

COMPUTING: A programme has been designed to be used for the

gymkhana and this has proved to be successful.

Computing may be done manually though and it is a simple process. (see attached general rules for points)

A person will be required to collect scores from all Judges in all rings/arenas.

CATERING: Catering is provided by the Management Committee, and a Club (or maybe two) will be delegated to help. The Club/s involved need to speak to the person who is in charge of the management Committee to find out exactly what their tasks will be. Generally for this event the canteen/kitchen is open from 9:00am on the Saturday until approx. 4:00pm and on Sunday from 8:00am until just after lunch. Sometimes it is of more benefit to have food down on the flat area, as most people stay down there for the day. This can be arranged with the Management Committee.

SHOWJUMPING: All classes will be run under table AM3. except E Grade- optimum time

Riders are permitted to ride in their “card grade” and one grade higher as well as in their age group (if their age group falls into the same height or one grade higher)

Height classes (based on two rounds only)

E grade (.45m - .55m) speed 275 mpm

D grade (.65m - .75m) speed 275 mpm

C grade (.85m – .95m) speed 300 mpm

B grade (1.00m – 1.10m) speed 350 mpm

A grade (1.15m – 1.25m) speed 350 mpm

The second round height may only be used if a jump off

is required.

Age group showjumping – Table AM3

Sub Juniors (E grade)

Juniors (D grade)

Intermediates (C grade)

Personal required:

-ordinator. The co-ordinator is responsible for organizing the Judge/s and course builder/s for both the show jump rings. Will also be the person to liaise with the Chairperson/Secretary regarding numbers entered into each class and at what times each ring will start. To collect your box from the Secretary Shed

with score books, bells, stopwatches, pens, coloured dots and vests.

Judge/s: The Judge for the higher grades needs to be a person who has some qualifications in judging show jumping. The lower grades can be a judge from a club, but also must have knowledge of show jumping.

Course builder/designer: The Course builder/designer must have some qualification in show jump building for the higher grades. For “C” grade and below, it may be a person from your club or another club who has experience and knowledge of show jump building.

You will need 4 – 5 people to help erect the course.

Time keepers: At least one time keeper is required for each Judge.

Pencillers: A penciller will be required for each Judge.

Gear Check: A gear check person will be needed to check all riders and horses prior to them entering the warm up/marshalling area, this person should be able to gear check for both rings.

Marshall: A marshall will be required for each ring.

They will be responsible for warm up jumps and ushering riders into the ring to present to the Judge.

Rail Stewards: 2 – 3 people will be required per ring to help put up rails and change courses.


Will be run in accordance to the rules for the Handy Horse Course for Zone Finals.

Judge: The judge may be from the organizing club or a person from which the organizing club has nominated. The Judge must have knowledge of how the course is run and the rules governing this test.

Penciller: A penciller is required to write times down on the score sheet and record any other information that the Judge may wish to add. (ie. why elimination has occurred).

Time keeper: The timekeeper may be the same person as the penciller. Their job is to correctly start and stop the stop watch and advise the penciller of the time for recording.

Equipment Persons: This may require two persons to replace equipment as it is moved on the course

Gear Checker: will be required to check all horse and riders prior to the start of this phase. Whips and spurs are not allowed to be used in the Handy Horse Course.

Equipment Required: Equipment required will change according to which course you are using. Please ensure there are enough people to set up the course well before

it is ready to start. A line marker is used to mark out the area which is 60 x 16 m.

Elimination Jumping: (often run on the completion of the show jumping rings)

This event is run in the same age groups as for the Show jumping. Gear check is only required if riders have unsaddled or changed any equipment since their last event.

Personnel required: Judge: As this is run in a continuous circle, the Judge decides who has been eliminated and will ask riders to stop jumping when it is time to remove a barrel, this will continue until there is only one rider left, ultimately the winner.

Equipment required: barrels – that’s it!


The hacking is run in three rings, being a Hack ring,

a Rider ring and a Tiny Tots ring (these must be led)

(see attached draft programme for the most effective

way to set this up)

Personnel required: Co-ordinator: The co-ordinator is responsible for

appointing the Judges for each ring and the general

running and setting up of the rings. All rings should

be bunted around and this can be done the weekend

prior to the event.

Judges: A judge will be required in each ring. It is best

not to have a judge from any participating club or even

our own Zone.

Pencillers/ribbon holders: A penciller/ribbon holder

will be required for each Judge in each ring, to take

names of placegetters.

Marshall: It is best to have a marshall for each ring,

although this is not always necessary, as most

riders will be ready to come into the ring as soon as

riders leave.

Gear Check: All riders must have a gear check prior

to entering the ring. (see general rules attached

for gear check guidelines)


A variety of novelties will be run at the completion of

all the hack rings. (attached is copy of previous games

which have been used, these may be changed at the

discretion of the organizing committee).

Novelties will be run in their age groups and in

accordance with Novelty rules.

Personnel required:

Co-ordinator: Responsible for appointing a Judge,

making sure that all equipment required is in a good

safe order and that the running of the games will be

run in a safe and orderly manner.

Judge: A judge will be appointed to officiate and

declare placegetters, also to explain rules if necessary.

Penciller: A penciller will be needed to record all


Gear Check: All riders and horses must have a

gear check prior to the start of the novelties.

Whips and spurs are not allowed.

Marshall: To ensure riders for the next novelty are

ready and in their correct age group.


1. Riders MUST their own horse’s/pones (you must nominate on your entry which horse or pony will receive points for aggregate). Youngest siblings may share a horse with older siblings provided there is a card for that combination.

2. Combinations do not need to be qualified, but do need to be financial members. Attendance cards are required. Body numbers will be issued. Attendance cards will be retained at the Secretary’s shed.

3. Entries must be made through your club secretary on the attached form. Entries close ………………….

4. Age of rider is age on the day of competition.

5. Age groups for aggregate trophies are :

Sub-Junior 10 years and under

Junior 11 and 12 years

Intermediate 13 and 14 years

Seniors 15 years and over

6. Riders must wear NZ-AS 3838 helmets for all events. Full Pony Club uniform applies for all events, unless summer uniform is announced in which case jumpers only may be removed.

7. All riders will be gear checked before entering the arenas.

8. Protests must be lodged within 10 minutes of results or each event and be accompanied by $20.00.

9. Horses in hack and rider classes must be ridden in a snaffle bit. NO DRESSAGE WHIPS ALLOWED. Whips and spurs are not allowed in any novelty events.

10. PCASA Southern Zone and …………..Pony Club will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury to horse, persons, vehicle or equipment whilst on the grounds.

11. Ribbons to 3rd. place in all classes. Points for aggregate trophies to be awarded as follows: 1st. = 5 points, 2nd. = 3 points, 3rd. = 1 point. If there is equal placings, then the points will be divided. Only in pairs will each rider receive the value of nominated points.

12. Perpetual trophy awarded to the club gaining the most points. (points gained by riders 21 years and over will not count for this trophy)

13. Riders can ride in their grade as per card and one grade higher as well as their age group (if height is equivalent to these 2 grades) for showjumping.

14. Should there be an equality of scores for aggregate trophies, the rider with the most 1st. places will be declared the winner. Should there be equal 1st. placings, a walk, trot and lead race will be held to decide the winner.

15. Led riders (restricted to riders 10 years and under) may compete in the led ring. They may also compete in the novelties provided they are led for the whole day. They may not compete in showjumping or any other hack ring and must be led at all times.


(for hacking and novelties only)


Commences :………….am


1. Smartest on Parade – 17 years and over

2. Smartest on Parade – 15 and 16 years

3. Smartest on Parade – 14 years

4. Smartest on Parade – 13 years

5. Smartest on Parade – 12 years

6. Smartest on Parade – 11 years

7. Smartest on Parade – 10 years

8. Smartest on Parade – 9 years and under

9. Hack 16hh and over

10. Hack over 15.2hh not exceeding 16hh

11. Hack over 15hh not exceeding 15.2hh

12. Galloway over 14.2hh not exceeding 15hh

13. Galloway over 14hh not exceeding 14.2hh

14. Pony 13hh not exceeding 14hh

15. Pony 12hh not exceeding 13hh

16. Pony 11hh not exceeding 12hh

17. Pony under 11hh


Commences ………………am


18. Rider 9 years and under

19. Rider 10 years

20. Rider 11 years

21. Rider 12 years

22. Rider 13 years

23. Rider 14 years

24. Rider 15 and 16 years

25. Rider 17 years and over

26. Pair of riders 10 years and under

27. Pair of riders 11 and 12 years

28. Pair of riders 13 and 14 years

29. Pair of riders 15 and 16 years

30. Pair of riders 17 years and over

The committee reserves the right to split or combine classes depending upon the numbers competing in each class.

RING 3 – Tiny Tots (all riders must be led)

Commences …………….. am


31. Smartest on Parade – 8 years and under

32. Smartest on Parade 9 and 10 years

33. Pony under 11hh

34. Pony 11hh not exceeding 12hh

35. Pony 12hh and over

36. Quietest Pony

37. Longest tail

38. Best rump (pony that is)

39. Rider 6 years and under

40. Rider 7 years

41. Rider 8 years

42. Rider 9 years

43. Rider 10 years

NOVELTIES (commences at completion of all hack rings)


1. Flag and barrel – 10 years and under

2. Flag and barrel – 11 and 12 years

3. Flag and barrel – 13 and 14 years

4. Flag and barrel – 15 years and over

5. Bending - 10 years and under

6. Bending – 11 and 12 years

7. Bending – 13 and 14 years

8. Bending – 15 years and over

9. Sack race – 10 years and under

10. Sack race – 11 and 12 years

11. Sack race – 13 and 14 years

12. Sack race – 15 years and over

13. Stepping stones – 10 years and under

14. Stepping stones – 11 and 12 years

15. Stepping stones – 13 and 14 years

16. Stepping stones – 15 years and over

17. Thread the needle – 10 years and under

18. Thread the needle – 11 and 12 years

19. Thread the needle – 13 and 14 years

20. Thread the needle – 15 years and over



Saturday ………and Sunday …………….

Held at


All riders must pre enter through their Pony club. Entry fee $……….. per combination.

CLUB : ……………………………………..

CONTACT PERSON: …………………………………………………………….

PHONE NUMBER/S :………………………………………………………………..

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